Style Files

5 Ways to create new outfits with old clothes
Are you someone with a wardrobe full of clothes and have nothing to wear? If so, you’re not alone.

Do try this at home – TWO lessons in style from the Inauguration.

All wrapped up in a bow - my year in style
A couple of years ago on the eve of delivering a 1-hour presentation to a room of 200 colleagues, I called my sister in a state of anxiety for advice…

Making the most of your existing wardrobe
My biggest joy comes when I get to roll up my blazer sleeves and teach clients how to create new looks with their existing wardrobe.

How to shop Black Friday sales like a pro. | Lisa Stockman

The secret to creating great outfits
One of the parts I love most about working with a client is after we’ve done a wardrobe edit and shop, I go back and re-edit their wardrobe and show them how to incorporate their new purchases with their existing pieces.

5 basic pieces every wardrobe should contain
One of the most common issues I see in client’s wardrobes is an abundance of patterned, glitzy pieces and a lack of good foundation pieces, the basics that are the building blocks of a great wardrobe.