Style Files

Style advice during peri/menopause: The questions I answered at the Mind Body Menopause Summit.
In styling hundreds of women over the past decade with an average age is 51, I’ve learnt so much from them about the different hormonal changes and physical manifestations of menopause.

Want to improve your mental health and self-esteem? Cull "one-day" clothes from your wardrobe.
I was having a conversation with my neighbour in the street last night. She told me about how she’d spent the afternoon cleaning out her sock drawer.

5 Ways to create new outfits with old clothes
Are you someone with a wardrobe full of clothes and have nothing to wear? If so, you’re not alone.

How do I find a style icon that looks like me?
If you’re not familiar with BuzzFeed quizzes you clearly haven’t wasted hours of work time answering life’s most challenging conundrums such as, “There are two types of eaters in this world – spoon people or fork people – who are you?” or “Hot guys vs. Appetizers – would you rather”.

Working with a personal stylist - Four misconceptions.

Do try this at home – TWO lessons in style from the Inauguration.

All wrapped up in a bow - my year in style
A couple of years ago on the eve of delivering a 1-hour presentation to a room of 200 colleagues, I called my sister in a state of anxiety for advice…

Making the most of your existing wardrobe
My biggest joy comes when I get to roll up my blazer sleeves and teach clients how to create new looks with their existing wardrobe.

How to shop Black Friday sales like a pro. | Lisa Stockman

The secret to creating great outfits
One of the parts I love most about working with a client is after we’ve done a wardrobe edit and shop, I go back and re-edit their wardrobe and show them how to incorporate their new purchases with their existing pieces.

5 basic pieces every wardrobe should contain
One of the most common issues I see in client’s wardrobes is an abundance of patterned, glitzy pieces and a lack of good foundation pieces, the basics that are the building blocks of a great wardrobe.

Does what you wear on Zoom really matter?
It’s been eight months now of Zooms, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, virtual backgrounds and waving at the end of meetings (did we ever do that in the office?) – I know some of my clients are having “outfit fatigue” but now more than ever, it’s time to keep up your virtual personal brand and put your best self forward.