How to shop Black Friday sales like a pro. | Lisa Stockman

Navigating sales season is an art form. The number of deals available on Black Friday and Cyber Monday is enough to make even the most experienced shopper overwhelmed. You may have noticed some of your favourite brands have jumped the gun with pre-Black Friday offers, a consequence of the COVID-induced battering the retail sector has suffered.

For most retailers, sales between Black Friday and Christmas determine the profitability of their trading year and this sale period will be crucial to the survival of some.

What does this mean for you as the consumer? It means huge discounts and special offers over the weekend.

I’m often asked how to approach this sale period and whether it’s worthwhile, so here’s my advice on shopping Black Friday like a pro.

1. Shop your wardrobe and make a list

If I ever go to the supermarket without a shopping list two things inevitably happen. First, I buy unnecessary and random things like the latest chocolate-covered delight and I forget the things I really need, the basics like milk or toilet paper.

The same goes for shopping for clothing and accessories during sales. Look in your wardrobe first and identify the gaps.  Know what you need and make a list otherwise you’ll be tempted by glitzy trend items you’ll never wear.

2. Do you really need it?

There is a big difference between need and want! To determine whether you need a sale item, ask yourself:

  • Will this purchase fill a gap in my wardrobe?

  • Can I wear it with at least 3 other things in my wardrobe?

  • Will it make getting dressed each morning easier?

If the answers to these questions are NO, you don’t need it.

3. Focus on investment pieces

I see the Black Friday weekend as an opportunity to purchase pieces I’ll be wearing for years to come rather than trendy or seasonal items. This is especially true with investment pieces I’ve been eyeing but waiting to purchase at a more attainable price.

If I ever see a sale that is storewide or sitewide it’s definitely worth a look. Site and storewide sales usually have a maximum reduction of 30% so even though the discount is less than other offers on Black Friday, it’s worth it to pick up those big-ticket items like a leather jacket, handbag, cashmere sweater or ankle boots. It is also a good time to look at brands that may have been out of your price range but with a 30% discount, become that affordable luxury you can treat yourself to.

4. Do your research

With your list of “need” items ready, research your favourite brands, bookmark their web pages and know your size the colour you’re after and be ready to go. This will minimise temptation and keep you focused on making worthwhile purchases.

5. If it’s too good to be true, it usually is.

If you see an item marked down more than 30%, it is heavily reduced for good reason.

Some of these include:

  1. Faulty or inferior fabric. Poor quality fabric affects how a garment sits on the body.

  2. Oversupply of an item that didn’t fly as expected.

  3. Faulty cut or fit.

  4. The colour or pattern wasn’t on-trend or didn’t resonate with the customer.

  5. It just wasn’t on-trend by the time it hit stores.

  6. The item was overpriced to being with.

Shop smart this Black Friday!

Lisa Stockman


Making the most of your existing wardrobe


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